Software development
We are an One Stop Shop developer of information systems starting from analysis and up to implementation of the system in production and provision of support services. We develop complex information systems already since 2002, and every tenth person is Estonia has come across with our work to a certain extent.
Our specialists have long-term experience in the software development for many different fields, such as group work, document management, accounting, ISKE, e-Estonia databases and proceedings software, etc. Our daily work involves hands-on practice with the following technologies: the programming languages Python, Java, PHP and C, database platforms PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server and MySQL, web based technologies Ajax, CSS, Javascript and HTML, and naturally ID card and Mobile ID technologies (PKI), X-tee, XML, SOAP, high availability, desktop applications development frameworks Qt and wxWidgets, mobile solutions etc. All our key development specialists have been active in the field of software development for more than 10 years already, inter alia as analysts, architects and project managers of various large and complex information systems.
We use agile project management and development methods for the organisation of our daily work. They ensure the best results for our clients together with the chosen technologies and tight customer communication.
Requirement and system analysis
We carry out preanalysis and detailed analysis for mapping your needs and requirements and describing the functionality of the information systems both in the framework of development projects as well as a separate service. Due to our more than 14-year experience in participation in visioning and development of tens of small and large information systems, we have a strong background for assembling your needs and business requirements through analysis in order to elaborate these into user requirements and vision prototypes through detailed analysis, and to assess the sufficiently thereof for the commencement of the development of a real information system.
Based on the long-term and broad-based experience of our specialists, we provide consultations for commencement, development, implementation and running of software projects. We help you to choose the architecture and platform which is suitable for the new information system, consult during the execution of development projects to ensure the most optimum result which is up to your expectations, and we help to optimize and scale the information systems already in production.
We have long-term experience in integration of the ID card, Mobile ID and X-Road functionality into information systems, development of X-Road databases and interfaces, and development and implementation of free/open source software solutions based highly-available information systems.
Support and maintenance services
We provide accommodation, maintenance and support services for the software developed by us to ensure continued stability, availability of the information systems and development of additional functionality. Upon request, we also provide end user support for the software developed by us.